Implant Korea: 500 700 USD
Implant Korea (The best Korea) 800 1000 USD
Implant EU / Europe (France, Germany, Italy…) 1000 – 1.200 USD
Implant Straumann Switzerland: 1.500 – 1800 USD
Composite Veneer: 50 USD
Dental Post: 25 USD
Post and Core Build – Up: 50 USD
Porcelain fused to Metal Crown: 100 USD
Porcelain fused to Titanium Crown: 150 USD
Ziconia Crown (Japan): 200 250 USD
Full – Porcelain Crown Emax (Germany): 300 USD
Porcelain inlay / onlay / inlay / endo crown: 250 USD
Veneer Emax Press (Germany): 350 USD
Veneer Lisi Press (USA): 350 USD
Veneer Celtra Press (Germany): 400 USD
Metal Braces: 1500 USD
Auto Metal Braces: 2000 USD
Ceramic Braces: 2000 USD
Auto Ceramic Braces: 3000 USD
Invisalign: 4.000 – 6.000 USD
Technology Modern Orthodontics BIO – MEAW – GEAW: USD 2.000 – 4.000 USD
Dental treatment
Reagular Teeth Cleaning and Polishing: 10 15 USD
Whitening Teeth by Laser: 150 USD
Home Kit Teeth Whitening: 75 USD
Filling by Composite / Tooth: 10 25 USD
Filling Aesthetics by Composite: 50 USD
Extraction (Fail Tooth): 25 50 USD
Extraction Wisdom / Tooth for Upper: 25 50 USD
Extraction Wisdom / Tooth for Lower: 50 150 USD
Extraction Wisdom Tooth by Ultrasonic Vibration / Piezotome II: 150 – 250 USD
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment (Anterior Tooth): 50 USD
Root Canal Treatment (Premolar Tooth): 75 USD
Root Canal Treatment (Molar): 100 USD
Metal Denture Complete / Frame: 75 USD
Titanium Denture Complete / Frame: 150 USD
Biosoft Denture Complete: 150 USD
Hard Plastic Denture Complete: 50 USD
Base Denture (Biosoft, Titanium…): 50 USD
Acrylic (Removable) False Teeth: 15 USD
Composite (Removable) False Teeth: 25 USD
Mouth Guard
Anti – Grinding mouth guard: 100 USD
Pediatric Dentistry
Cleaning / Polishing: 50 USD
Filling: 50 USD
Root Canal Treatment: 25 USD
Metal Cap for deciduous tooth: 25 USD
Oral Surgery
Crown Lengthening Surgery / Smile design surgery: 500 – 750 USD
Frenectomy / Alveolectomy / Surgery Alveolectomy: 100 – 150 USD

Also at Global Dental: Checkup and Xray Free

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