1. What is Laser Dentistry?
  • The word LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
  • In recent years, the use of lasers in dentistry (laser dentistry) has also become an increasingly popular form of dental care
  • It is a minimally invasive alternative to certain invasive treatment options, such as cavity fillings, gum disease treatment, and root canals, among others.
  1. Laser Dental Procedures:
  • There are four types of lasers used in dentistry, including the Diode laser, CO2 laser, Erbium laser, and Nd:YAG laser. The type of laser(s) used depends on the kind of surgery or treatment you need.
  • At Global Dental Center: Diode laser commonly used with technical data: K2M (K2 Mobile dental diode laser)

    Laser at Global Dental
  1. Application K2M at Global Dental Center:
  • Endodontic: Apical abscess treatment, Direct pulp capping, Pulpotomy, Root canal sterilization.
  • Periodontics: Laser curettage, Pre and Post scaling.

    Treatment Dental Laser by Dr Cong
  • Implant: Gingival trimming, Implant recovery, Implant osseointegration, Peri – implantitis.
  • Surgery: Fibroma removal, Frenectomy, Gingivectomy, Incision and Drainage, Operculectomy, Vestibuloplasty.
  • Application others: Apthous – Ulcer, Bactericidal effect, Dentine hypersensitivity, Hemostatis, Leser troughing, Melanine depigmentation…
  1. Common soft tissue laser procedures at Global Dental:
  • Gummy Smile treatment — a gummy smile is when someone has extra gum tissue surrounding their teeth. During a laser procedure to fix this condition, your dentist uses a high-powered dental laser to remove gum tissue.

    Smile Treatment by Laser
  • Gingivectomy — a gingivectomy, also known as gum contouring or gum reshaping, is a cosmetic dental procedure that reshapes the gum line by removing gum tissue.
  • Dental crown lengthening — before getting dental restorations, such as a crown or implant, your dentist may require crown lengthening. This procedure reshapes the underlying bone and gum tissue to expose healthy tooth structure.
  • Removal of soft tissue folds — poorly-fitting dentures can result in soft tissue folds. Lasers provide a stitch-free and less painful option for soft tissue irregularities.
  • Gum disease treatment — laser dentistry treatment can help avoid the need for gum surgery later on. More specifically, lasers can painlessly sterilize deep periodontal pockets to eliminate bacteria that cause gum disease. Dental lasers also remove any gum inflammation associated with gingivitis or periodontal disease.
  1. Common hard tissue laser procedures:
  • Tooth decay treatment — some lasers are capable of detecting tooth decay (cavities) early. They can also remove decay-causing bacteria and remove cavities in teeth without the use of traditional drilling methods

    Dental crown lengthening
  • Hypersensitivity treatment — tooth sensitivity is a common symptom of cavities and thin enamel. Lasers can seal tubules on your tooth’s root, resulting in less sensitivity

    Hypersensitivity treatment at Global Dental
  • Root canal treatment — laser-assisted root canal therapy involves the use of a laser to access the root canal, remove infected tissue, clean, sterilize, and shape the canal, and then fill it.
  1. Pros by laser treatment:
  • Minimally invasive and less painful.
  • Less damage to the gums, teeth, and other tissues.
  • Stitches (sutures) are usually not necessary.
  • Faster healing time for most patients.
  • Less swelling, discomfort, and pain.
  • Less blood loss (lasers improve blood clotting).
  • Lasers sterilize your gums, which reduces the chance of bacterial infections.
  • Higher chance for tissues to regenerate than with traditional methods.
  • Local anesthesia is not necessary for some laser dentistry procedures.
  • Reduced dental anxiety.

Why should you chose Global Dental Center?

  • The best dental care in Hanoi,
  • The best dentist in Hanoi,
  • The best service dental in Hanoi,
  • Excellent and friendly services in Hanoi
  • Excellent service, good price and professionalism dental clinic in Hanoi.
  • Great service dental in Hanoi: The service, professional approach and overall experience was flawless…
  • Professional dentistry in Hanoi,
  • Highly recommend this place to foreigners.

Choose Us:

  1. Pain-Free Dentistry
  2. Infection Control Protocol Followed By Standard
  3. High Quality Dental Materials
  4. Private Room Treatment
  5. A team of highly specialized dental experts who speak fluent English
  6. Modern technology and equipment
  7. A full range of specialized dental departments
  8. With reliable material sources imported directly from the US and Europe
  9. Unique Warranty Policy:

– Lifetime guarantee for Implant placement the Straumann Implant system.

– 10 – 20 years guarantee for Prosthodontics such as aesthetic porcelain crown, bridge and crown on Implant.

  1. Strict sterilization process
  2. Luxurious amenities as if you were on a vacation
  3. Professional and friendly team of staff providing 5-star quality services
  4. Best service quality at the most reasonable price
  5. Dental Facilities

All modern equipment at Global Dental Center is invested with fully-constituted system and the latest technology CT Cone – Beam 3D

Also: Lower cost, high quality, best treatment results, less time and amazing tourism are the reasons why Vietnam is the most ideal destination for all patients around the world.