1. What is gingivectomy?
  • Gingivectomy used to remove extra gum tissue for cosmetic reasons, such as to modify a smile. A common aesthetic reason for gingivectomy is a gummy smile due to gingival overgrowth.

    Aesthetic Measure
  • Gingivectomy is surgical removal of gum tissue, or gingiva
  • Gingivectomy can be used to treat conditions like gingivitis
  1. Indications:
  • A gummy smile, which dentists call excessive gingival display, is when too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth when smiling. There must be at least 2 millimeters of excess gum tissue showing to be considered gummy smile.
  • Gummy smiles often make people feel self-conscious, and they end up seeking treatment electively for cosmetic reasons. In other cases, a patient may need to fix his or her gummy smile for dental health reasons.
  • Elimination of suprabony fibrous and firm pockets
  • Elimination of gingival enlargement
  • Gingivectomy if you have gum recession from: aging, gum diseases, like gingivitis, bacterial infections, gum injury…
  1. Techniques:
  • Surgical gingivectomy
    Surgical gingivectomy

  • Laser gingivectomy

    Laser by Dr Cong

Gum reshaping can either be done with a laser or scalpel (traditional). Both procedures produce the same results but involve different steps. During a laser gingivectomy procedure, your cosmetic or general dentist uses a high-powered dental laser that releases light energy to remove gum tissue. Traditional gingivectomies employ the use of a manual scalpel to cut away gum tissue.

     Also: Gingivectomy by electrosurgery…

  1. The purpose:
  • Dental crown lengthening, and bone regeneration treatments (Cosmetic dental)
  • Treatment infections


A gummy smile, which dentists call excessive gingival display, is when too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth when smiling. There must be at least 2 millimeters of excess gum tissue showing to be considered gummy smile.


Gummy smiles often make people feel self-conscious, and they end up seeking treatment electively for cosmetic reasons. In other cases, a patient may need to fix his or her gummy smile for dental health reasons.

A gingivectomy, commonly known as gum contouring, gingival sculpting, or gum reshaping, is a cosmetic dental procedure that reshapes the gumline. The treatment improves your smile by changing the look and shape of your gums and teeth.

A gingivectomy is a great option for people whose gums cover too much or not enough of their teeth. For example, gums that are too high can make your teeth look smaller. Gums can also become uneven if you had a dental crown or implant placed.

Most people who undergo gingivectomy surgery do so to improve their appearance. Gum reshaping is generally considered cosmetic if you remove overgrown gum tissue over a dental crown or want to add more gum tissue.

  1. How The Procedure to Gingivectomy:
  • Before Surgery (Before the procedure – Smile Design): Dentist will use a aesthetic measure and special pen to mark your gums and determine how much tissue will be removed or added. They will show you what they plan to do before beginning the procedure to ensure you are happy with the results.
  • Local Anesthetic Administration: After marking your gums, the dentist will apply local anesthesia (a numbing medication) in your mouth. You will stay awake during the procedure and remember everything, but will not feel any pain.
  • Surgery:

+ Dentist will begin removing or adding gum tissue using a scalpel or laser technology.

+ During this period, the dentist can remove torus bone (if needed), Dental crown lengthening, and bone regeneration treatments.

+ The procedure generally takes 45 mins – 1 hour to complete.

  • Re-examination and final check up.
  1. Summary A gingivectomy (gum contouring):
  • A gingivectomy is a cosmetic dental treatment that reshapes the gumline. The procedure improves your smile by changing the look of your gums, teeth, and smile. Indicators for treatment include gums that are too high.
  • There are two types of procedures available. They include a laser gingivectomy (incorporates the use of a high-powered laser to remove gum tissue) and a traditional gingivectomy (involves using a manual scalpel to remove gum tissue).
  • A gingivectomy is generally considered a cosmetic treatment, which means it is elective and not covered by insurance. However, if your dentist recommends undergoing surgery due to oral health reasons (such as severe gum disease), you may qualify for some insurance coverage.
  • A gingivectomy poses very little risks. You may experience minor pain and discomfort for the first few days post-op. The procedure is also relatively fast. Recovery time takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • The results can last for decades if you take care of your teeth and gums.

Gum disease — periodontitis, which is the advanced form of gum disease. Patients with this condition may benefit from gingival sculpting.

Gingivectomy if you have gum recession from: aging, gum diseases, like gingivitis, bacterial infections, gum injury… Dentist will begin removing or adding gum tissue using a scalpel or laser technology


For the 24 hours after gingivectomy, you should avoid:

  1. a) Rinsing your mouth out with liquid
  2. b) Drinking alcohol and smoking
  3. c) Drinking hot liquids such as tea or soup
  4. d) Strenuous physical activity…


Avoid spicy, salty, acidic, very hot or very cold foods or liquids. Also, avoid nuts, chips or other crunchy or fibrous foods which may become caught between your teeth. No smoking or drinking through a straw and no carbonated or alcoholic beverages for 48 hours following surgery.

The following nutritional supplements have been found to aid in surgical healing. Taking the following dosages for at least 4-6 weeks following your surgery can enhance healing:

+) Multi-vitamin with minerals: Take once a day.

+) Calcium: Take 500mg twice daily.

+) Vitamin E: Take 400mg.

+) Vitamin C: Take 1000mg once daily.

These nutritional supplements are all over the counter items and may be purchased at a drug store, health food store or the health food section of many grocery stores.

    Miss Hang after gingivectomy by Dr Cong


    Miss Trang after gingivectomy by Dr Cong
  2. Why should you chose Global Dental Center?
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Also: Lower cost, high quality, best treatment results, less time and amazing tourism are the reasons why Vietnam is the most ideal destination for all patients around the world.


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