1. A dental implant.

    Case Implant front upper by Dr Cong
  • A dental implant is a cylindrical post, usually made of titanium, also made of ceramic… A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge, or denture containing multiple teeth.

    Customize Implant by Dr Cong
  • Surgical steps are established in 3-dimensional space using a surgical design software and data collected from CT Cone-beam X-rays.
  1. Why should you choose implants?

    By Dr Cong

–          Dental implants allow you to confidently eat, smile, laugh, talk, play and enjoy life without worrying about your teeth… especially not grinding natural teeth to make bridges.

–          If you are missing a single tooth, one implant and a crown can replace it, not grinding natural teeth to making bridges… Replacing a single tooth.-          If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges can replace them… Replacing several teeth

–          Protect healthy bones.

–          Keep your teeth in your mouth — not denture in a cup.

–          Next best thing to healthy, natural teeth.

–          Retain your natural face shape and smile.

–          Keep teeth in place — silently.

–          Dental implants are a long-term solution that can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for. Dental implants allow you to keep your teeth where they belong — in your mouth.

3.      What are the methods of implant placement?

  • Immediate implant placement and immediate loading:

    Immediately Implant by Dr Cong

+ After extraction, some patients can undergo immediate implant placement with no complications.

+ Immediate implant placement after teeth removal: is very limited in application and must follow strict requirements including sufficient amount of bone to support the implant, gums are healthy and not infected.

+ Two factors must be considered before you are deemed a candidate for immediate implant placement after extraction: Infection and Bone density.

  • Implant placenent early:

+ After extraction about 10 days and 2 weeks

+ The extraction site should of inflammation, gum disease, or other infection. Any of these conditions are present, they will need to be treated before implant can be placed about 1 – 2 weeks.

  • Implant placement late:

+ After extraction about 2 – 6 months

By Dr Cong

+ Is applied when teeth is infected which requires bone grafting or the patient has thin layers of gum tissues.

+ Is applied when there is severe infection causing major bone deterioration or the root is too large, leaving an insufficient amount of bone after tooth removal.

  • Sinus lift and graft bone when implant placement:

    Lift Sinua by Dr Cong

+ The upper back jaw has traditionally been one of the most difficult areas to successfully place dental implants due to insufficient bone quantity and quality and the close proximity to the sinus. Sinus augmentation can help correct this problem by raising the sinus floor and developing bone for the placement of dental implants. Upper back teeth are among the most difficult to restore. When the back teeth in the upper jaw are missing the sinus cavity becomes larger as the natural bone deteriorates over time.

+ Bone grafting is a safe and highly successful procedure that involves “building up” or adding bone to the jaw by using your own natural bone from another location and/or by using donor, processed, or synthetic bone materials. Bone grafts are often performed in the implant dentist’s office using local anesthesia to numb the areas that will be involved. After the procedure, you will usually be given antibiotics, pain medication if needed, and an anti bacterial mouthwash. Avoid eating certain foods and putting pressure on the bone graft. Your implants will be placed after the grafted bone has fused or become a strong, integrated part of the existing bone. The integration may take three or more months, depending on the location of the graft and the density of the bone.

+ Sinus lift, also called sinus augmentation or sinus elevation, is a bone-augmentation procedure for patients who have insufficient natural bone in this area for dental implant placement. The procedure involves adding bone below the sinus so that one or more implants can be placed. The procedure does not affect speech, intonation, or cause sinus problems. After the bone has been given time to develop, usually for approximately four to 12 months, dental implants can be placed.

–          In addition, there are some special methods: + All on 4 – 6+ Removable denture on 2 implants+ Zygoma implant

  1. The Dental Services high quality and why should you choose Global Dental Center.

    Surgery to Implant at Global Dental
  • The best dental care in Hanoi,
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  • Excellent service, price and professionalism dental clinic
  • Great service: The service, professional approach and overall experience was flawless
  • Professional dentistry in Hanoi,
  • Highly recommend this place to foreigners,
  • Highly professional service and incredibly helpful and accomodating staff.
  • All professionals working on fair prices, absolutely recommended
  • The dentist was extremely gentle, and the procedures were competitively priced
  • Fantastic Clinic, very clean, surgical & professional
  • The price is very cheap, it’s clean and well organised and everyone is very professional.